F# European Tour

The Geeks guide to F# travel


My tickets are purchased, bags packed, and laser pointer ops tested!   I am excited to begin my F# adventure which will take me to 10 presentations in 9 countries in 32 days! I will keep you posted as I travel along and invite you to follow me here or on twitter @TRikace.


Date Location Link
3/28 Bologna, Italy www.lamdbacon.org
3/30 Zurich, Switzerland http://www.meetup.com/zurich-fsharp-users/
3/31 Madrid, Spain http://www.meetup.com/madrid-fsharp/
4/2 Prague, Czech Republic http://www.meetup.com/Lambda-Meetup-Group/
4/6 Berlin, Germany http://www.meetup.com/thefunclub/
4/8 Amsterdam, Netherlands http://www.meetup.com/fp-ams
4/10 Paris, France meetup.com/Functional-Programming-in-F/
4/13 London, England  http://www.meetup.com/FSharpLondon/events/219808946/
4/14 Dublin, Ireland http://www.meetup.com/FunctionalKats/
4/17 London, England  https://skillsmatter.com/conferences/6724-fsharp-exchange-2015#program

Update – I am back!

I am back from my “European F# Adventure”, it was both wonderful and exhausting.  I met a lot of wonderful F# enthusiasts and had a ton of fun in the process.

The main reason for this trip was to spread the word on the benefits of F# and to establish our presence in the technology community. During and after the presentations I received many great questions and positive feedback, so much so, I am confident that F# has captured interested in several new developers.

I would like to thank the organizers of the Meetups and Conference that helped make my adventure possible and while making me feel welcome. There is no better way to visit these beautiful European Cities than under the guidance of its proud “locals” .

Thanks to Luigi Berettini (Bologna – LambdaCon), Marc Sigrist (Zurich F# UG), Alfoso Garcia (Madrid F# UG), Daniel Skarda (Praha FP UG), Kai Wu (Berlin FP UG), Michel Rijnders (Amsterdam FP UG), Tomasz Jaskula (Paris, F# UG), Philip Trelford (London F# UG), Andrea Magnorsky (Dublin FP UG), SkillsMatter London F# eXchange.

The F# Community is absolutely fantastic! During my journey I received supporting tweets and emails from fellow F#-pers that kept me going and enthusiastic for the next challenge!



The major take-away for me was that we are living in an exceptional time for technology especially for those embracing all that Functional programming and F# have to offer.  It seems that interest in our community and topics are popping up in many diverse forums.   Conferences and User roups focused on Functional Programming are multiplying with more Software Engineering and companies getting interested in the Functional Paradigm… there must be a reason!


Stay functional my friend!

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