“The Ugly Duckling” – A Little Story About Functional Programming

Functional Programming has been around for possibly as long as the fable of the “ugly duckling”. The impetus for FP started in the 1930s thanks to Alonzo Church, a mathematician best known for formulating lambda calculus, a formal theory for expressing computation based on function abstraction and application using variable binding and substitution. The syntax and behavior of most programming languages today reflect this model. This early origin means that Functional Programming is a paradigm that existed from ideas older than the first programmable computer. Since then, functional languages have introduced several concepts later adopted by other languages. In 1950 the first functional language, Lisp came into use.

In 1959, in response to memory issues found in Lisp, John McCarty invented the Garbage Collector. Forty years later, mainstream languages such as Java and C# adopted the Garbage Collector. In 1960, the concept of first-class function was coined by Cristopher Strachey, who also invented the term currying, one of the fundamental principles of FP. In 1973, the functional language ML introduced the concepts of Type-Inference and parametric polymorphism. Forty years later these same concepts were introduced as “Generics” in mainstream languages. So as the story of the “ugly duckling” goes, a concept that initially was seen as strange and different eventually came into its prime. For FP that time is now because of its ability to maximize multicore core platforms.
In 1954 Fortran, the first imperative language was introduced in the market, and a year later Cobol, one other imperative language made its first appearance. Both these languages have had an enormous success in the software business world to the point that the imperative paradigm dominated the industry for thirty years.

In the 1970s, there was the need and interest in the Software industry for different and more practical solutions to solve increasingly complex problems. The rise of the Object-Oriented paradigm came from the growing demand for an improved programming model.
Since then, the OO has increasingly matured and evolved, today this paradigm is widely accepted by enterprises and has become the most popular paradigm in use.
The technology world is in a continuous and unstoppable evolution, the natural consequence of this expansion is more complex computing problems. Industry is realizing that FP is better than OO because of its declarative and expressive coding style. FP’s mathematical approach promotes immutability and functions without side effects allowing the programmer to solve the full spectrum of problems in less time and with less bugs. FP addresses computational problems in a manner similar to mathematics, ensuring the correctness of the program.

An increasing number of programming languages support the functional paradigm including C#, C++, Java and Python. In 1994, Python introduced support of lambda expression and list comprehension for data manipulation. Likewise, C# from the beginning has supported a functional paradigm for program writing, but the complexity of doing so has prevented programmers from using it. In 2007, C# 3.0 introduced first-class functions in the language and new constructs such as lambda expression and type inference to allow programmers to introduce functional programming concepts. Soon to follow was LINQ (Language Integrate Query), which permits a declarative programming style. More recently, in 2010, Microsoft introduced F# as a supported functional language in the .NET ecosystem. The latest generation of functional languages is impure because they allow side effects; the result of this variation is a reduced learning curve for those who embrace this paradigm for the first time. To combat unwanted side effects, the most successful implementation of functional languages today are “hybrids”. These functional languages bridge the gap between object oriented and functional paradigms allowing both programming styles.

If the current job demand is an indication of the future, interest in utilizing Functional Programming in applications will continue to increase, and so will the need for programmers who can bring this paradigm to business solutions.

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